Sunday, July 10, 2011

Between Perry and Bush: Where has education gone?

Bush thought education should be controlled by the Federal government and Perry thinks it should be controlled by the state government. During a news conference Perry actually said, of the Obama administration policies are “a federal takeover of public schools.” Basically, Perry declined the federal grant, “Race to the Top,” because “The academic standards of Texas are not for sale. We will retain our sovereign authority to decide how to educate our children.” Perry’s idea might have been right, but every time Texas makes budget cuts they cut education as well healthcare. So, where does that leave Texas public education programs? If we don’t accept federal grants for education we can’t afford to educate children in Texas. Therefore, the adults of the future will no longer be educated, at least not at or above standard education. The NCLB program unintentionally caused teachers to teach based on standardized tests alone in order to receive grants, which inadvertently left the smarter students to flat line in absorbing new knowledge to prepare for their futures. If Perry would just find a happy medium to help all students succeed the future of education and Texas would be a better and smarter place. 

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